Shahrukh Khan approaching the dice at 'Centre Square' mall, Vadodara
They say ''Dreams do come true.'' Well I certainly don't know about others but mine did come true. Ever since I started watching bollywood movies, I have been a die hard fan of Shahrukh Khan. And just like his billion other fanatic followers, I have dreamt of meeting my idol; my superstar once.

12th October 2011
A day I can never forget,
A day when my long cherished dream came true.
A day when time stood still,
A day when I met Shahrukh Khan!!
Yes, I met him. I saw him performing live in front of my eyes and that too in my own city, Vadodara. What a day it was!!! Pure bliss if I should say. 12th October will go down in the annals of my memeory books as a red later day; a day when Vadodara lived it's dream of meeting SRK; a day when 'Centre Square' mall became the most sacred place for me in whole of India; a day when I finally came to know that SRK isn't a myth; that he actually existed; in flesh, blood and bones. My dictionary is actually falling short of adjectives to describe my feeling when I met 'The Shahrukh Khan'.
Crowd patiently..errr..impatiently awaiting SRK's arrival
There I was impatiently waiting for him to come ; fidgeting all around , unmindful of hunger , thirst or fatigue. Let me be honest. I couldn't believe that this all was happening; that in a matter of few hours I would be able to see my idol right in front of my eyes. Not believing that I could be so very blessed ! That's when there was some commotion in the main entrance of the mall !! My heart beats increased by leaps and bounds; I started gasping for breath; fans started going crazy; I was literally being pushed over when I first saw him; and everything around me stood still.
And the King waves to his million fans....
There he was, in his usual white T-shirt; black jacket, blue jeans and his goggles. There has always been an aura of peace and love emanating from him on screen. But, he is just too good off it as well. You catch a glimpse of him and you won't even realise that its the superstar 'Shahrukh Khan' unless you see those well built bodyguards protecting him 24*7 hours. I stood rooted to the spot . Couldn't move an inch . My voice died in my throat. The whole crowd went crazy, chants of 'SRK, SRK, SRK' adorned the beautiful moment. But I stood still. I wanted to join my fellow city men as well but could hardly say anything. I was awestruck. I was speechless. All I did there was looked at his serene face; beaming with energy and love. And his smile; let me tell you, it is magical and divine in real life as well. I wanted to tell him what he meant to me. I wanted him to know how my whole life and personality had been determined by his presence. I wanted to show him how much more than a great actor he is. I wanted him to know that I learnt my biggest lesson, of being courageous enough to dream, from him ....I wanted to hold him say thank you. But I stood transfixed. And then came the moment!! SRK started shaking hands with them and then his hands brushed mine and I got a second life; I literally did. I was now an elite member of those handful of SRK fan's club who have met him, who have touched him in real life.
Shahrukh Khan got the masses into a frenzy!!
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