Shah Rukh Khan is finally ready to enjoy the release of his much-anticipated movie. The actor recently went through a tough time in the wake ofhis comments about Pakistani cricketers. Ask him what allows him to sail through such situations, and he says, "I'm thankful to the media for being there by my side all the time. I'm also thankful to all my friends. Some of them have voiced their opinion about the issue and some didn't because they did not want to throw more attention to this sensitive issue. I thought that was prudent."
The actor remains committed to his goal of helping sports. He says, "The culture for choosing sports as a career option is still not there in India. I want to build a world-class stadium. I had even spoken to the late Sunil Duttsaab about it. We can encourage people to take up sports as a career only if there's great infrastructure. Like cricket, I'm sure if we have great plans for other sports even they will get the same spotlight."
Shah Rukh is also planning to construct a podium just inside the gate of his house Mannat.
He says, "I get so much love and affection from people who come to see me, especially on my birthday. I was thinking hard that I should have a podium-like thing on my veranda where I can get up and sing or dance for them just to entertain them. They come from distant places. So merely waving out to them is not enough."Source:
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