Monday, January 4, 2010

Shahrukh takes to politics on Twitter

It is only day two for Shahrukh Khan on Twitter and if early indications are anything to go by Shahrukh isn't on Twitter just to write a few posts promoting his movies. King Khan is willing to take stands on the happenings in the country. In his latest tweet Shahrukh wrote "Don't stress over political parties...for them if 2 wrongs, don't make a right..(hey always try a third."

Buzz upHe was replying to a tweet by renowned journalist Barkha Dutt where she wrote "Sessions court asks Soren to appear in relation to a murder case. Guess makes no diff to pol parties who have supported him, past or present" The My Name Is Khan star made a earth shattering debut on Twitter having attracted more than 23000 followers in just two days.

Source: oneindia

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