Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bebo Khan't stop loving

It has been a year of fluctuating fortunes for Bollywood's most powerful actress — Kareena Kapoor.

The janta and her sceptics will never let her forget that she had three duds in 2009 with Kambakht Ishq, Main Aur Mrs Khanna and Kurbaan. But just when they were nailing her coffin, she bounced right back with the biggest hit of them all.

Like a cat that has swallowed the cream, Kareena smacked her luscious lips and said, "There I was licking my wounds when God above answered my prayers. Honestly, I'm delirious. To think that I started 2009 with a whimper and ended it with a bang. Someone up there heard me.''

Just before she set off on a tour of England with Saif Ali Khan, the incorrigible Bebo said, "2010 has a lot of promise. I sincerely wish the Midas touch continues. I'll start the year with my idol, Shah Rukh Khan, with whom I'm travelling to Miami for RA 1. Then I'm going to be traipsing the globe with Saif in Agent Vinod. And, if Aamir keeps up his promise to me, the two of us will end up in a romantic film by the end of the year.''

Jumping like a child, she asked, "Listen, is it wrong to love more than one Khan at a time? I'm guilty of just that. Shah Rukh and Gauri are my close friends. I love Saifu. And as for Aamir, well, what can I say? He's the new Khan on my block.''

Gamely she takes the blame for her duds. She knows the critics dipped their pens in poison when she did KI and MAMK. "My funda is simple,'' said Bebo. "Actors should be like scientists, always willing to experiment. I experimented and I failed. That doesn't take away from my acting abilities. If I don't experiment, the same guys will write — she's a plastic doll on screen. One does take chances with one's roles and if the films fail, I'm more heartbroken than anyone else. Don't forget films are all I live for. I give my films everything I have. So failure does affect me. But to write me off each time I have a flop is unfair.''

Maybe, but that's the way things in Bollywood work. One Friday you're a hand-maiden, the next Friday you're the Queen. And, if you're lucky, you can get an extended lease at the box-office. Like Bebo just managed.
Source: TimesofIndia

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